Ever pondered what’s truly triggering stress in your body? It might not be the usual suspects you think! 

Sure, we know the classics:

❗ Running late for work

❗ Toddler tantrums in public

❗ Traffic jams

❗ The never-ending to-do list

But here’s the plot twist:

❗ Undereating

❗ Over-exercising

❗ Late-night escapades

❗ Bedtime screen scrolling

❗ Swapping meals for coffee

Believe it or not, each of these culprits sets off the stress hormone cascade.  Over time, they can throw cortisol off balance, adding to chronic health challenges.

Time to rewrite the story!  Instead of normalizing habits that stress our bodies, how about normalizing habits that create a haven of safety and calm? 

Get ready for a paradigm shift! I’ll be sharing my ideas on how to make this shift in the upcoming posts. 

Comment below—what’s missing from this stressor list?  Let’s create a stress-free space together!